It comes as no surprise that in a recent survey majority of clients said they would rather not have to visit the salon for a patch test. The survey, carried out by the pharmaceutical company, Trichocare Diagnostics, showed that that 8 out of 10 clients prefer to spend £15 to use a clinically proven universal test, than an Allergy Alert Test* they have to repeat.
Earlier this year industry organisations collaborated to announce a new protocol which harmonises the changes announced by Cosmetics Europe in early 2023 with existing industry best practices. This new protocol defines a clear benchmark that all hair professionals, insurers and hair colour brands can now meet to confidently support and promote the safe use of professional hair colour services in the UK.
The protocol outlines two options, the traditional Allergy Alert Test, and Colourstart. The challenge for many colourists is, that the traditional method of testing, the Allergy Alert Test (AAT), is now near impossible to manage.
Major brands, including Wella Professionals, support the UK harmonised protocol and the use of Colourstart as an alternative way to screen for allergy.
“We are delighted that the industry has united and recognised the importance of providing harmonised guidance for the safe use of colour. We know from our research that clients don’t like skin testing, so offering consumers the choice of being able to use a universal test they may only need to use once is warmly welcomed. With brands such as Wella Professionals recognising this new system, we could see the UK lead the way in salon safety globally and will most definitely help raise professional standards,” said Colourstart CEO, Nick Plunkett.