Colour World Genius 2024: Winners Announced

Can we get a whoop whoop for the Colour World Genius winners of 2024. At a Colour World after party we invited finalists and their peers to raise a glass.  Picture this… the sun on our shoulders, live music by Sugar & Sax and 60 mins of a bottomless bar.

When the hour was up, guests were invited to take a seat for the presentation where our winners were revealed.

Let’s take a look…

People’s Choice – Casey Coleman


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Creative Colour Genius – Suzie McGill

Colour Correction Genius – Ieva Poce

Commercial Colour Genius – Dean Lawton-Taylor

Mindful Colour Genius – Gina Conway

Men’s Colour Genius – Dylan McConnachie

#Colourtastic Genius – Vanessa Koeb

Colour Communicator Genius – Tom Smith

Afro Colour Genius – Anne Veck

International Colour Genius – Kristie Kesic

Congratulations to the Colour Genius’ of 2024! The standard of work gets better each year.

Thank you to everyone who attended PLUS, a huge shout out to our sponsors Glowwa, Easdry, Respect for Hair and


At Colour World UK we believe in colourists being equally important as hairdressers to the success of a salon business! Clients deserve excellent colour services, embracing the importance of a great colour consultation through to end result. We salute manufacturers and brands offering great product innovation which enables colour technicians to explore their creativity and offer a bespoke colour to every client. We offer colourconversation and inspiration for you to browse, and respect colour-focused education and events from what’s on and where to our own Colour World UK event which supports our industry and promises to do our best to bring you news and information to help you succeed.

Looking for some more colour inspiration? Here you go: INSPIRATION