We’ve got exciting news to share with you about one of our Colour Genius Award winners… Anne Veck who is the Afro Colour Genius Award 2023 winner, and husband Keith Mellen. The couple shared with us news of their Co2 reduction and biodiversity plans. Sustainability is a huge part of salon owners lives – they truly are warriors in the nicest possible way. And hey, we all want to make salons as sustainable as we can so we are doing our bit for the planet, surely?
Let’s hear about Anne Veck and Keith Mellen’s plans
Anne Veck Limited (AVL) has signed up to the Nature Positive Business Pledge. AVL aims, as much as a micro
business can, to contribute to The Global Goal for Nature – to halt and reverse nature loss from a baseline of 2020, achieve net positive by 2030 and full recovery by 2025.
They plan to report on progress annually (1st report due May 2024, after close of the 23/24 trading year on 30/4/24). -
How can a hairdressing business be nature positive?
As a service provider (hairdressing, presentations, shows, training courses, campaigning, consultancy), AVL’s impact is mainly about indirect impact drivers rather than direct impact. E.g. reducing amount of paper used is a driver for reducing deforestation which is a driver for reducing biodiversity loss. Reducing colour chemical waste is a driver for reducing ocean and freshwater pollution which is a driver for reducing aquatic wildlife loss.
Or another way of addressing this, is that sustainability, climate and biodiversity are interacting, holistic, part of a whole global crisis, with negative and positive circularity and feedback loops. Biodiversity and climate change need to be tackled together. Arguably the biggest positive impact on biodiversity the business will have, will come from reducing its CO2 emissions.
(Anne Veck Limited has also signed up to the U.N..Race to Net Zero and has a Carbon Emissions Reduction Plan). -
AVL has attempted to identify the impacts it has on nature and biodiversity, in order to set baselines from which progress can be measured..
Here’s what Keith says…
“We feel it is so important to be open and honest about where, what and how we are working towards our own sustainability targets at any time and we hope it will encourage others to become more sustainable in their hairdressing practice too”, comments Keith.
Anne and Keith’s climate resilience plans show that important actions do not need to be difficult and, as Keith says, ‘if we can do it you can do it too’. We know that salons love awards and success which is why we have also shared our winning entries that show the detail of this work, again hopefully inspiring others to aim high and be recognised for the work they are doing.
As part of their commitment to keeping sustainability high on the agenda Anne weaves this into her creative work and also her educational sessions. We can’t wait to hear how this goes for them… Hopefully, this gives you some inspiration on how to make your salon more sustainable!
Anne Veck was the Afro Colour Genius Award 2023 winner. If you want to learn more about this, click HERE
Looking for some more colour inspiration? Here you go: INSPIRATION