In a world of TikTok and Instagram Reels, clients are having unrealistic colour expectations, leaving colourists feeling incompetent. We’ve caught up with Nikita Fisher, who talk us through a REAL TIME colour transformation.

Yes, this took 7 hours not the 7 seconds that you’ll see on socials…
Nikita’s priority was to ensure her client, Olivia Chan’s hair remained strong and healthy whilst lifting her base 4 coloured hair to a level 10. She achieve this by using Schwarzkopf Professional’s Fibreplex Bonding Complex Treatment every step of the way. Treating the hair for 10 minutes before the each lightening stage and using hair primer spray.

7 hour transformation with Nikita Fisher – Base 4 to 10
- My client – Olivia Chan – had been colouring her hair to a base 4 and wanted to go blonde (30 min consultation)
- I pre-lightened the hair with Schwarzkopf BlondMe 9+ 9% by heavily saturating slices of 2cm working the lightner in with my hands & covering in foil (1 hour application)
- Once processed, & lifted to a 7 level orange I rinsed the hair. I then applied Schwarzkopf BlondMe to Olivia’s roots (30 min application)
- I then saturated the mid lengths and ends to continue the lightening process while the roots developed. (15mins)
- I processed until colour looked like the inside of a banana (45 mins)
- The ends still needed a bit of lifting to get through previous colour build up, I checked the elasticity of Olivia’s hair & it was still feeling strong, so my last lightening application which was on damp hair, I left on for a further (45mins) to ensure an even level 9 was achieved
- Once the hair had processed to this level I rinsed the colour off (15 mins)
- I then applied a toner to her midlengths first where there was more warmth to counteract for 10mins. Then onto the roots for the last 5mins. I used 9-5,1 + 10-19 Igora royal + 3%
- I followed on with Chroma ID 9-5,1 (total toning time 30 mins)
- I finished with a blunt Bob haircut and styled Olivia’s hair polka straight with a middle parting. (1 hour)
Aftercare products
Olivia had quite the transformation which can be tough on the hair. The transformation is complete without the aftercare products.
Nikita’s recommendations:
- BC Repair range
- BC Silver shampoo
- BC Argan oil
- Chroma iD mask 9-5,1
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Looking for some more colour inspiration? Here you go: INSPIRATION