Regularly described as one-to-watch, it was a delight to catch up with the super talented Melissa Timperley recently. Her successful Manchester-based salon group is thriving, and it’s no surprise when she puts her clients at the heart of everything she does. But it doesn’t end there as well as being a great manager, Melissa is a brilliant colourist, too. After enrolling in Wella’s Master Colour Programme back in 2016, Melissa is now one of Wella’s Master Colour Experts. Yikes! We’re impressed. She says it’s a hard graft, but totally worth it. We asked her to tell us more about her experience on Wella’s Master Colour Programme:
What made you want to do it?
I did the Master Colour Programme (MCP) in 2016 whilst I was working at Sassoon and also on the Fellowship FAME Team. Working for Sassoon was restrictive (they ask you to choose between cutting and colouring and I genuinely loved both); so I decided to enrol in the course so I could be the best that I could be. Which meant learning how to colour as well as cutting; and so I invested some of my hard earned money in my own education. I’m not going to lie, it was tough and when I say tough, it is not tough in a good way! I was working full time every day, and then had the equivalent of a degree to do in my spare time. Believe me, completing my MCP was both one of the hardest and most rewarding things I have ever done. It is not easy, but when you have completed it, it really is worth the time and effort.

What was the most valuable thing that you learned from it?
It gives you knowledge. Knowledge gives you confidence. When you are confident in what you are doing – your clients become confident in your abilities. You can only blag your way so far in hairdressing – in the end, results will speak for themselves. When your clients feel your confidence and experience your abilities, they come back and will recommend. There is no better referral than a satisfied client’s recommendation. As a hairdresser and colourist, your work is on display – it is your calling card. Virtual reality is great but can be easily manipulated and filtered – in reality a satisfied client will rebook and spread the positive word.

What is your favourite Wella Professionals colour range or shade i.e. Koleston Perfect/Illumina/ Opal-Essence?
I actually love every single shade – I love the variety and the diversity. There is something to suit everyone. We specialise in balayage in the salon and love using freelights and magma to achieve our blended looks.

Anything, else you want to tell us about the programme?
It is all about education, education, education – it never stops; it’s always changing and so you keep learning. MCP provides the building blocks to becoming a brilliant colourist. It’s the ABC of colouring – without these fundamentals you are unable to progress very far. The science behind the magic. It is definitely worth the time, the effort and the money. You will get that back with your more advanced colouring techniques in no time! It will make you a better, more confident colourist and your clients will be even more satisfied.
What are you and your team seeing as the most popular colour trends in your salon at the moment?
Balayage is still super popular but it’s taking a different turn. It is becoming chunkier round the face to create sun-kissed colour that contours your cheekbones – channelling a more Victoria Secret model look. The tones of balayage are becoming more earthy which means it’s multidimensional, effortlessly stylish, and low maintenance. What more could a girl ask for!?
At Colour World UK we believe in colourists being equally important as hairdressers to the success of a salon business! Clients deserve excellent colour services, embracing the importance of a great colour consultation through to end result. We salute manufacturers and brands offering a great product innovation which enable colour technicians to explore their creativity and offer a bespoke colour to every client. We offer colour conversation and inspiration for you to browse, and respect colour-focused education and events from what’s on and where, to our own Colour World UK event 2018 which support our industry and promise to do our best to bring you news and information to help you succeed.